Thursday, September 19, 2013


At our last Curvy Girl meeting the Columbus Dispatch was there to take pictures and interview our leaders, Alyse and Kiki.  Allie was also interviewed. the article is due to be published in the September 24 edition of the paper.

On October 9, Curvy Girls will be participating in a health fair at Worthington Park Elementary school. They will be doing their first fund-raiser and will be selling friendship bracelets made available through the Threads of Hope mission. The bracelets are made by Filipino women and children. The Curvy Girl fund-raiser will not only support the efforts in scoliosis awareness, but a portion of the sales will go back to Threads of Hope to further support the mission. we are very excited about this opportunity.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Allie has always been an independent and determined girl. Before she was 4 months old, she was determined that she was going to sit up. One day she managed to throw herself forward in her bouncy seat to a sitting position.

Last week she pulled out that determination. The first two weeks of school were rough. She was physically hurting. But also she had some concerns about what others were thinking of her. Over the long Labor Day weekend, something changed. On Monday evening as we talked about the schedule plans for the week Allies said that she would go a part day on Tuesday, but the rest of the week she was going full days. And that is exactly what she did! She did say that there were times when she felt that she should call us to come home. But that determined spirit took over and she stayed the full day.

The pictures below are another Before and After look. The picture on the right was taken on August 17, 2012, at Mandi and Josh's wedding. The picture on the left was taken just a couple of weeks ago.